Mouth Guards: What You Need to Know About the Different Types and Their Uses

Mouth Guards: What You Need to Know About the Different Types and Their Uses

Nov 01, 2020

Trauma is one of the leading causes of dental emergencies such as knocked out, broken, fractured, or even loose teeth. You never know the damage your teeth might incur when you experience a traumatic injury.

At times, the damage done might be dire, causing you to lose a natural tooth. As unpredictable as dental emergencies are, they are still somewhat preventable.

There are certain precautionary measures you can take to prevent dental emergencies that may result from traumatic injuries. This is particularly the case if you are exposed to various activities daily, such as contact sports, which increase your chances of incurring facial and dental injuries.

One of the best ways to avoid these accidents is by getting a mouthguard from our dentist in Quincy at our dental practice near you.

Mouth Guards 101

A mouth guard is designed to be worn over the teeth to cushion and protect them against traumatic injuries that may occur due to a punch or knock on your face or head.

It is important to understand that a mouth guard, protector, or sports guard all revolve around the same concept. A mouth guard or sports guard surrounds the upper teeth to prevent any lacerations, tears, or damages that may affect your teeth or oral cavity.

On the other hand, a mouth protector is prescribed to patients with preinstalled and fixed dental devices such as bridges or braces who participate in contact sports.

When Is It Necessary to Get a Mouth Guard?

There certain scenarios that make it necessary for a pediatric or adult patient to get a mouth guard. Our Quincy dentist may recommend you get a mouth guard if:

  • You participate in any contact sports such as ice hockey, football, boxing, or lacrosse
  • You participate in sporting activities that are non-contact but still expose you to the risk of dental injuries due to dangerous falls such as biking, skating, or gymnastics
  • Your line of work involves performing stunts
  • You suffer from bruxism

Types of Mouth Guards

There are different types of mouth guards available near you. The most important thing you have to ensure when picking out a mouth guard is that it should fit you comfortably. A mouth guard should not impede your speech or make it difficult for you to breathe properly.

The mouth guard you choose should also be strong enough to serve its purpose. The easiest way to get a mouth guard that will serve you well is by getting fitted for one by our dentist in Quincy.

There are three types of mouth guards, and they include:

  • Custom Mouth Guard

A custom mouth guard is designed to fit you specifically. This type of mouth guard cannot be purchased at any sporting store or outlet and can only be provided by your dentist. Our Quincy dentist will design and build your mouth guard based on a dental impression of your teeth.

This ensures that the mouth guard fits perfectly and comfortably, offering you the best form of protection against trauma-related dental injuries. The custom mouth guard is a favorite among athletes because of its precise and comfortable fit.

  • Stock Mouth Guards

This type of mouth guard comes in a preformed and ready to use design. Stock mouth guards are widely available at most sports stores or pharmacies and are quite affordable. The downside to stock mouth guards is that they tend to be ill-fitting and uncomfortable.

Stock mouth guards can be quite bulky and impede your speech or make it difficult for you to properly catch your breath. Ill-fitting mouth guards do not offer you the proper protection you need against traumatic dental injuries.

  • Boil and Bite Mouth Guards

Like the stock mouth guards, this type of mouth guard is also widely available at any sports store or department store. They tend to fit much better than the stock mouth guards. Boil and bite mouth guards are designed from a thermoplastic substance, which you boil to soften and bite down on to customize the fit.

At Quincy Dental Associates, we offer custom mouth guards. Contact us today to get fitted with one by our professionals.

Our dental practice welcomes new patients of all ages from Quincy, MA, and the surrounding areas of:

  • Braintree |
  • Milton |
  • Wollaston |
  • Weymouth

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